Recommend a Friend

Recommend a Friend to Solid Insulation and we'll send you a €100.00 one-for-all voucher.

Voucher for insulation If you’re an existing Solid Insulation customer and you appreciate our service and your new Home Energy Saving measures, why not recommend us to a friend.

If your friend decides to install External Wall Insulation we'll send you a €100.00 one-for-all voucher with our thanks! They're accepted at a lot of top stores – giving you extra towards whatever you want.

Here's how it works:

  • Simply contact us by Email or Telephone with your Friend's details.

  • Quote “Recommend a Friend” to or Sales Team along with your full address

  • Let us do the rest. We’ll contact your Friend to assess their requirements.

  • We'll organise a FREE Home survey to confirm suitability.

  • Once your friend's installation is complete, we'll send you a €100.00 one-for-all voucher.

  • Recommend as many friends as you like. We'll give you a €100.00 voucher every time!!